Photo: Keyprop Kickstarter
A while back you might recall that I was mentioning a Kickstarter project I backed, for the KeyProp. Well, I just received my Kickstarter rewards for the Keyprop by Integral Design, and it's totally rad, as I expected. They included a special edition gray and green for backers as well, so I have another backup in case.
The KeyProp made of a really nice rubberized polycarbonate plastic, and it has a great "grip" on almost every surface I have tried it on. My giant keyring is a little bit of a hamper for me in keeping the phone level, but that's not the fault of the KeyProp, and I've actually worked with turning it around entirely to make it work perfectly instead of dismantling my giant keyring. Since I am still using an iPhone4S until the 5S is in my hot little hands, I put my KeyProp in the headphone jack using the "top" plug on the KeyProp. I am then able to angle it and my keys into the proper resting spot.
Shortly after it's release to the backers, the KeyCam app the KeyProp was marketed with hit the app store, publicly and for free. Now, this is a total first world problem complaint here, but I have a small issue with that, because it's kind of something I hoped would only be available free to backers at first, yknow, for backing them and raising money for the product launch, and if I am not mistaken, it was initially intended to be the big "extra" for backing the project, where we were provided with a coupon code to get the app for free vs paying for it. But if this gets more people to use it, and who are in turn inclined to buy the KeyProp item as a result, fine. So be it, but I had to get that off my chest, because it bugged me.

Photos: By me, of my devices
Video: via IntegralD's Vimeo
Speaking of the app, I have spent a little time tinkering with it, and while it's quite simple, it's pretty damn genius. I have tried it using both the timer feature, and the "clap to snap" feature. Both flash right before the camera is set to go to give you enough warning to be prepared. This would be great if you're trying to get a child to say "Cheese!" before the camera snaps, or if you're running to be in the image yourself.
As I understand it, they're still working on an Android version of the app, so right now the app is iPhone only. But the KeyProp is seriously worth the investment by itself, especially if you watch movies or read on your phone while you eat/travel like I do because it allows for hands free use. I know some people don't like to go out to eat alone, but it's something that I don't mind at all. I am really looking forward to using this on flights when I tend to watch movies on my phone.
I am pretty satisfied with this project, and super glad I backed it and it came to fruition.
Anyone else a backer of this project loving the KeyProp and KeyCam? If not, I hope I compelled you to try them! The KeyProp is $12 via IntegralD.com and comes in 6 colors. KeyCam is available in the AppStore now.
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