The Fitbit One is one of the newest gadgets in my stash, and one that I have been exploring for about two months now. Last week I gave a brief overview, and an unboxing of this item. Today I am going to go a little bit into the setup of the Fitbit one, and what it does, syncing and how to the Dashboard works.
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Weekend Update::: On a Beach!
Photo by Andrew Hara, from
Ok, not yet. But I will be in the not too distant future!
So, I might have a few less posts than normal popping up, and (hopefully) a few more tweets and Instagrams than normal (as you've likely noticed, I kinda fail so hard at social media...) while I am away! This is more of an "advanced warning" that I am taking a short break from all forms of work for a couple of weeks, partly for my trip and partly to just veg. This vacation has been a very long time coming after a way-too-long span of work-work-working solid for nearly 8 I have several scheduled posts, but I scheduled less than I normally post, yknow, because it's vacation and stuff. I will pick them back up when I get back as usual!
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Test Driven::: Elizabeth Dehn for One Love Organics
When rumblings were popping up around the internets, first from Elizabeth Dehn herself, about "new products", naturally my interest was piqued. I love my Vitamin C Serum from this line, very dearly in fact, and was hoping to see what they would come out with next, perhaps in a facial spray (a product Elizabeth used to have in a former line in a former life) or sunscreen moisturizer to rival the Josie Maran I also love dearly.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
Wednesday Wow::: Dean & Mike's Gorgeous Southern Wedding!
Source of all photos: Their amazing photographer Edyta Szyszlo's website
I am a fan of Dean's blog "My Little Apartment", and since her wedding last Fall, being the wedding voyeur that I am, I have waited ever patiently for photos of what I expected to a pretty amazing event...and of course, it was absolutely worth the wait. And apparently Martha Stewart agrees!
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Tech Time::: Fitbit One -- Part 1
I have been using my Fitbit One for nearly two months, and it's kind of a nifty little gizmo. Now, I cannot honestly say it's done much to motivate me to get off my duff at all, because if I can find a way to avoid removing my butt from my desk chair, I will find it. But at least I can see my consistent inactivity spread across my screen as a constant reminder I need to walk around more during the work day.
I initially started out wanting this gadget because my 3rd in a line of pedometers bit the dust. I seem to go through them quickly. Two of them were from WeightWatchers and those seemed to be the quickest to die. So I went to the SportsAuthority, got myself a "real" one, and within a year, that also died. So after trying a few apps that didn't quite do the trick, I started looking for a new idea.
my fitness pal,
product reviews,
Monday, July 22, 2013
Must Have::: Josie Maran Daily Moisturizer SPF 40+
Photo: Me, of my bottle
I have incredibly sensitive skin, exacerbated by prescription retinoids, and I am also allergic to nearly everything. Long-time readers will note the lack of any lip product reviews--that's why, almost every single lip product contains one of the many ingredients I am allergic to, so even though I have one or two I can tolerate, I rarely wear much in that department. Call me ahead of the nude-lip trend, if you will!
josie maran,
product reviews,
Friday, July 19, 2013
Fashion Fix::: Ankle Jeans
Photo: Sea of Shoes
I am not one to do capris or cropped pants, I almost always go for full length boot or straight leg jeans. But this photo above really changed my feeling on ankle-length/cuffed jeans, and now I am kind of loving it.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Trend Worth Trying::: Worker Bee
Photos:,, Me wearing my Frye boots, don't you love that tucked in pant leg?
I love a good engineer style boot. They can work dressed slightly up, and equally well dressed down, and can take an overly buttoned up look down a notch, which is my own personal look du jour for work, especially since I am in a creative industry and don't choose to, or have to, dress up.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
What's in My Bag?

Photo: Me, of my bag and wallet and keys
Considering there's an entire site devoted to this topic, it's clear that I am not the only voyeur wondering what is inside someone's fantastic bag, so I thought I would share what I tote around on a given day.
Food Outreach,
Henri Bendel,
linea pelle,
Planet Wise,
Vera Bradley,
what's in your bag?,,
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
Tech Time::: My Fitness Pal
What I really wanted was a more flexible app that would combine the logging I remembered from Spark People and Weight Watchers, with what Medifast and Take Shape for Life offered, but maybe with more ability to connect to outside services besides just their own.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Must Try::: Smoky Stuffed Peppers

Photo: Edible Perspective Blog's version of this recipe, which is not MF Plan Friendly but sounds equally insane!
Another new recipe has come onto my radar, through the ever resourceful Pinterest.
I love bell peppers, though they don't always love me, and I have been trying to find a way to incorporate them into meals in a different way than my usual "grilled with fajita seasoning" manner. I have a feeling my husband will be thrilled with the change, if I can figure out how to hide the mushrooms.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Breaking News::: I left Nordstrom with some self-esteem intact.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Weekend Update::: Nordstrom Pre-Sale, plus The Urge!
I'll start off the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale chatter by stating that I fell asleep at the wheel this year not having my appointment pre-booked well in advance. I actually go tomorrow, and that's weird for me, since I normally get there the first or second night of preselect. Thankfully, I gave my card a serious workout on Wednesday morning doing my online pre-select for in-store pickup.
Hopefully I'll remember to Instagram a few shots along the way.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
Top Secret::: Eye Opening
Photo of me, by me
My biggest secret, again besides Latisse, would be the lining technique I have been using for years, coupled with the layering of multiple mascaras onto my curled lashes.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
Wednesday Wow::: The Damsel at Home

Photo: Jessie Webster for Glitter Guide
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
Tech Time::: Mailbox App
Until recently, I was a stickler about using the stock Mail app on my iPhone because for me it worked fine, until Google shut off the best way to true push email in an attempt to make you use their horrific Gmail app. I have tried it, more than once even, and it's about the worst app I've ever used. And that's saying a lot, since I've tried some pretty crappy apps. Besides the fact that I shouldn't need to download a separate app for my mail to just work the way it should work.
mailbox app,
Monday, July 8, 2013
Must Have::: DHC Cleansing Oil
Photos: Me
Cleansing Oil,
cost per use,
La Mer,
Friday, July 5, 2013
Fashion Fix::: Tunics
Tunics have become less of a trend and more of a closet staple, and when I think of tunics I tend now to think immediately of a designer I love and totally respect, Tory Burch, who really made them, first, very luxe and fashion forward, and second, into a legit classic. It seems now a few other brands are bringing their own great takes as well, and for all figure types and budgets.
tory burch,
Thursday, July 4, 2013
Trend Worth Trying::: Nautical

Photo: Pinterest (not well sourced...)
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Tech Time::: Dropbox
Last week in my post about password management apps, I mentioned an app/service called Dropbox...Get it. Seriously! Get it!
Photos: Screenshots of my iPhone, taken and arranged by me
Monday, July 1, 2013
Moving through Life::: Happy 8th!
I love you, babe! Here's to at least 42 more!
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