Now that I am hopefully losing inches, as well as weight, I am starting to really eye up some cuter outfits, in straight sizes, to call attention to my soon-to-be-smaller body. I have been looking for nice blazers for at least a year to mix in with my seriously huge cardigan collection. Yet, I never seem to quite find the one that will hit the mark exactly right, or that is at all comfortable, and to me comfort trumps all.
Fabric is a big deal, as well. I don't want to spend a fortune, but I also don't want it to look cheap, because I tend to buy multiples of what works for me. This J.Crew Schoolboy Blazer, in Navy (of course!), modeled beautifully by Victoria, looks like it might be perfection in a blazer. I only hope that by the time I am down enough in weight/inches to buy newer clothes for Fall that it's still available for me to purchase!
Others that appeal to these sensibilities, and work across many budgets, available in neutrals of all shades, not just navy:::

4::: JCP--comes in straight sizes AND in Plus!
5::: Sejour by Nordstrom (Plus) 6::: Rag and Bone 7::: Lafayette 148 New York
8::: Talbots
(cute in dots, but also still comes in solid colors, as well as in petites and plus sizes!)
the Jcrew schoolboy in navy is 50% off today if you know what size you are aiming for.