Friday, March 16, 2012

iPhone 4S mini-review...4 months later.

Photo Credit:

I will not really mention the fact that I have had like NINE of them since October....but that's more an issue with something going on on my AT&T line and related to that theft, less so about the phone itself.

I really like it, now that I think the issue is being resolved.  It's relatively quick, and the camera is amazing. 8MP, and sharp. I usually just use the standard camera app, though I have been using Instagram to make those pics "cute".

My current products...March 2012

I've gotten a few emails about this so I thought I'd put up a list....

Follow the jump to get a full list! 

PRODUCT REVIEW: Estee Lauder Advanced Night Repair Serum

As I think I have mentioned in the past, I am not one for serums because my face just seems to hate them. Most are heavy on the silicone-y ingredients and those are death to my skin. I don't love them in my hair either but they're less of a problem there.

Photo credit:

PRODUCT REVIEW: Kate Walsh Boyfriend Eau De Perfume/Rollerball

Photo credit: Kate Walsh's site, and a few other locales on the web

I am not typically a perfume kinda girl. I generally wear nothing, and if I do it's either Kiehls Original Musk or Creative Scentualization's Perfect Veil or some variant of "Clean". But someone walked by me as I was leaving Nordstrom a while back and she smelled like heaven on a chocolate croissant, so I asked what she was wearing and she said "Boyfriend, by that chick from Greys". So I immediately googled "Boyfriend Greys" on my phone and bam up it came. She said something about a new variant coming out but that she hadn't seen it.